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By : Anne Timpany

Are you waking up in the morning excited to be alive because you KNOW you’re doing what you were born to do in this lifetime, and what brings you joy?  Or are you settling for ho-hum because you haven’t yet found your THING that lights you up with passion and excitement?

Are you speaking your truth, or are you holding back to please others, keep the peace, make sure you’re not standing out, playing it safe?

Are you following your dreams with whole-hearted GUSTO? Or have you let your dreams languish until the “someday” when you have enough money, time, support, resources, freedom… when you feel “enough”?

Are you having FUN?  Are you saying YES to your heart, your joy, your passion, your bliss by doing the things that bring you deep joy?  Or are you putting off your own fun until later so you can take care of everyone else first, be responsible, do all the “shoulds”, and postpone fun until a day when you feel like you deserve it more?

What ARE you really doing with your life?

If you don’t know WHO you are, what lights you up, and where you want to go, you end up reacting to whatever shows up in your life, rather than consciously and deliberately creating a life that you LOVE.

The thing is, if you are not living in alignment with WHO YOU REALLY ARE, some part of your life inevitably isn’t working.  Money struggles, health challenges, relationship discord, depression, anxiety, mental fog, lack of energy, inability to sleep, mental hashing over things that happened in the past, lack of enthusiasm for your work, addiction to comfort foods, weight issues …. yes, ALL of these stem from one root:   NOT BEING TRUE TO YOU.

YOU ARE A unique and magnificent genius!   YOU have a gift to share with the world!  And you are more talented, more essential, and more amazing than you’ve ever let yourself realize!

As you embark on the journey of discovering the truth of Who You Really Are, you uncover the genius and your own unique gift that is you.  And the closer you come to this true core of you, the more you experience JOY.  Peace.  Fulfillment.  Contentment.  Clarity.  Confidence.

When you live from this place of Being True To You, the energy flows without blockages.   All of life is energy, including you, and when energy is flowing smoothly you experience it as joy, peace, exhilaration, deep satisfaction, health, abundance, vibrance, and a vital life force of powerful energy flowing through you.

This is the essence of feeling ALIVE.

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