Yoga Sutra 11 (book 2)

Sutra’s 11   The fluctuation of consciousness created by gross and subtle afflictions are to be silenced by meditation. (Patanjali Sutras by Iyengar) There are many passages to quote from the Bible that tell us to focus only on God, His great works, His grace, His Spirit, and worry about nothing else. In Christian contemplative…

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Ygoa Sutra 9-10 (book 2)

Sutra’s 9 and 10 It has been quite a while since I posted a blog, on the yoga Sutras. I would make up a lot of excuses, why I have not done as my heart (the Holy Spirit) has told me but the truth is I am scared. Scared of looking like I know what…

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Yoga Sutra 8

Book 1 Sutra 8 The Translation: Viparyayah unreal Mithyajnanam illusory knowledge Atadrupa not in its own form Pratistham beholding The Sutra: “Illusory or erroneous knowledge is based on non-fact or the non-real.” The explanation: Iyengar states “Perverse, illusory or wrong knowledge is caused by error or misconception or by mistaking one thing for another.  A…

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Yoga Sutra 7

Book 1 Sutra 7 The translation: Pratyaksa – direct perception Anumana –  inference Agamah- sacred scripture (the Bible) Pramanai – kinds of proof The Sutra: “Correct knowledge is direct, inferred and proven as factual.” The explanation: This sutra is stating that the dependence of our own perceptual knowledge is not enough to justify truth.  That…

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Yoga Sutra 6

Book 1 Sutra 6 The translation: Pramana – correct knowledge Viparyaya- contrary Vikalpa – illusion, delusion Nidra – sleep Smrtayah – memory The Sutra: “They ( the fluctuations of the previous sutras) are caused by the correct knowledge, illusions, delusions, sleep and memory.” The explanation: This sutra is stating that we have the correct or…

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Yoga Sutra 5

Book 1 Sutra 5  The translation: Vrttayah –  movements Pancatayyah – fivefold Klista – afflicting Aklistah – pleasing The sutra: “The movements of consciousness are fivefold.  They may be cognizable, non-cognizable, painful or non-painful.” The explanation: When our consciousness takes the lead our true nature takes the back seat.  Consciousness see’s objects and makes meaning…

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Yoga Sutra 4

Book 1 Sutra 4  (If this is your first time reading this blog- study – please begin reading this at the first blog entry.  Each post build upon the next and you will have a deeper understanding of both the Bible and the sutra’s starting at the beginning.)   The translation: Vita – fluctuation Sarupyam…

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Yoga Sutra 3

Book 1- Sutra 3 The Translation: Tada – then Drastuh – the soul, the seer Svarupe– in his state Avasthanam-  dwells The Sutra: “Then, the seer swells in his own true splendor.” An explanation (based off of Iyengar’s translation): This sutra is sharing that when the seer (you or I) have a still mind we…

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Yoga Sutra 2

Book 1 Sutra 2 The translation: Yogah – union Citta – consciousness Vritta state of mind, fluctuations of mind Nirodhah – obstruction, stoppage The Sutra: “Yoga is the cessation of movements in the consciousness” Iyengar’s explanation paraphrased: The main objective of practicing yoga is to train the body to follow the mind and the mind…

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Yoga Sutra 1

Book 1 :Sutra 1 I  will start out each study with me outlining the Hindi words translated through Iyengars translation of the sutra’s in his book Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.   Atha  – a prayer yoga – union,  contemplation on the Supreme Spirit Anusasanam – guidance codes of conduct in ones ethical and spiritual life Then…

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